High Road Clean Energy LLC looked to EPE for a Security Constrained Economic Dispatch analysis focusing on evaluating transmission congestion and curtailment for the Mariah del Norte wind project, an existing 230 MW wind project interconnected to the 345 kV Windmill substation in the Panhandle of Texas.
The analysis simulated 8760 Locational Marginal Pricing calculations for the remainder of the 2017 study year (May 2017 – December 2017) under the current ERCOT nodal market.

EPE performed the analysis by conducting a nodal market study based on an 8760 hours-per- year generation, load, and transmission simulation using EPE’s proprietary MarketnSight simulation engine and databases.
The study integrates the effects of energy schedules from energy resources on transmission congestion and curtailment as well as Locational Marginal Pricing considering market conditions under N-1 conditions, consistent with the operation of the nodal market in ERCOT.

The purpose of this study was to forecast the operations and performance of Mariah by estimating generation, pricing, and curtailment through analysis of the nodal market for the remainder of 2017.
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