The Southeast U.S. continues to attract renewable energy investment, and with multiple utilities across SERC opening their 2025 interconnection windows soon, developers and independent power producers (IPPs) need to act decisively. As competition for queue positions intensifies, understanding the intricacies of the Santee Cooper, Duke, and Southern Company interconnection processes is critical to project success. 

At EPE, we partner with energy developers to help them navigate the complexities of interconnection—streamlining applications, reducing risks, and ensuring projects move forward efficiently. With multiple queue windows across SERC on the horizon, now is the time to take a strategic approach to positioning your projects. 

Key SERC Interconnection Windows for 2025 

- Santee Cooper: January 1 – May 31, 2025   

- Duke Energy: January 1 – June 30, 2025   

- Southern Company: March 3 – April 17, 2025   

Each utility operates independently, with distinct application processes, study timelines, and cost structures. Developers need to understand these differences to mitigate risks and avoid delays. 

Challenges Facing Developers in SERC’s Interconnection Process 

Energy developers in SERC face several key obstacles: 

  • Extended Study Timelines – The queue backlog and transmission constraints mean interconnection studies often take years to complete.  
  • Cost Uncertainty – Network upgrade costs can be substantial and vary widely across SERC utilities. 
  • Fragmented Market Structure – Unlike regions governed by organized markets (e.g., PJM, SPP), each SERC utility has its own interconnection rules and procedures. 
  • Increasing Competition – More developers are entering SERC, adding pressure on queue positions and available transmission capacity. 
  • Process changes to align with FERC Order 2023A – Many SERC regions have recently transitioned or are in the process of transitioning to a cluster based study process along with adopting process changes to align with the requirements of FERC 2023A.  

Positioning for Success in SERC’s Queue: 

  • Optimize Project Size and Location – Ensure you are selecting the right project size and interconnection location to maximize chances of being successful 
  • Optimize Project Configurations – Designing projects to align with utility interconnection requirements can prevent costly modifications later. 
  • Leverage Market Expertise – Partnering with experts who understand SERC’s unique utility interconnection frameworks and recent changes driven by FERC Order 2023A can enhance project viability. 
  • Post Application Insights – Work with a trusted partner post application that can help you predict and analyze utility results as well as understand project risks.  
  • Join EPE’s Upcoming Webinar – Our industry experts will provide actionable insights on interconnection strategies, challenges, and best practices. 

Develop a Smarter Interconnection Strategy with EPE 

With deep expertise in submitting applications, project modeling and benchmarking, interconnection, and transmission planning, EPE works with developers and IPPs to navigate the evolving energy landscape and mitigate project risks. 

Position your project for success no matter what Utility in SERC you’re planning to connect to in 2025. Contact us today to explore how we can support your development efforts. 

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