The Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electricity

Transmission and Distribution refer to different ways in which electricity is carried from generators to customers. Once energy is generated, it is carried to homes, businesses, and industry via a system of electrical wires known as the Grid. Transmission and Distribution are two distinct stages on the grid.

Understanding Transmission

Energy transmission is the process by which electricity is transported from generation sites, such as power plants, to substations located closer to consumers. Transmission lines span long distances, carrying large amounts of high voltage energy. The energy within transmission lines flows at a voltage that is too high to be delivered to consumers directly. As a result, energy distributors usually lower the voltage levels of transmitted electricity before delivering it to homes and businesses. Transmission lines can be identified by their stature and structure. These lines are tall, typically 30 feet off the ground, carrying multiple wires and spanning over long distances.

Understanding Distribution

The distribution system marks the last stage of the delivery process from energy generation to the consumer. Electricity travels on the distribution system at a voltage that is appropriate for residential and corporate use. Distribution lines can be easily identified by consumers as they run along residential streets. The electricity delivered via distribution lines is used to power appliances and other necessities.

EPE Can Help

Electric Power Engineers understands the need to update historical transmission and distribution practices to adapt to the rapidly changing grid and market. Our Transmission & Distribution engineers provide customers with detailed technical studies to assist in grid modernization and EV planning.

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