The Wind Project is located north of Jamestown in Stutsman County, North Dakota and consists of 100 Vestas turbines, each rated at 2,000 kW for a total wind project size of 200 MW. The project is connected to the Point of Interconnection at 115 kV through a 17.1-mile transmission line and two 34.5 kV/115 kV main power transformers.
EPE evaluated the project's performance and conducted a dynamic model validation study per the NERC to demonstrate compliance with NERC MOD-026-1 and NERC MOD-027-1.
The EPE team needed to verify that the project’s Volt/VAr control system, as represented in simulation models, faithfully represented the dynamic behavior of the actual system in regard to voltage and reactive power disturbances.
Additionally, the project had to demonstrate compliance with NERC MOD-027-1 by verifying the active power/frequency control model and parameters for simulation models to ensure that the dynamic model accurately represents the generator’s active power response to system frequency variations.

EPE completed a transient stability analysis in PSS®E to evaluate the project’s response to a voltage and frequency event to validate the dynamic model response versus the field test results. This analysis evaluated the project under two scenarios.
One scenario was evaluated for NERC MOD 026-1, representing a voltage excursion event, while the second scenario evaluated WP for NERC MOD-027-1, representing a frequency excursion. Compliance with each standard was evaluated by monitoring the voltage and reactive power for the voltage event and frequency and active power for the frequency event.

The results of the transient stability analysis were compared against the results of the Automatic Voltage Regulator test and the Primary Frequency Response test that were provided.
EPE tuned the PSS®E dynamic model representing the project to obtain a comparative response to the field tests performed. The comparison of the transient stability analysis and the field tests demonstrated that the dynamic model representing the project was representative of the field tests performed; thus, it was found to comply with NERC MOD-026-1 and NERC MOD-027-1.
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